Does Eating Apple Seeds Lead to Death? Facts and Myths

Does Eating Apple Seeds Lead to Death? Facts and Myths

Apples are a popular and nutritious fruit that has played an important role in American culture and history. But don’t eat the seeds because they have a bit of a chemical that can make you very sick. If you accidentally eat one or two seeds or drink juice with a few crushed seeds, it’s usually okay. But eating a lot of seeds, like from a bunch of apples, can be dangerous.

The seeds of other fruits, such as apricots and pears, contain the same chemical. It is okay to consume these fruits; however, avoid the seeds, pits, and kernels.

There is some truth to it, but it is a little overblown. Apple seeds, like many other seeds, contain a chemical called amygdalin, which can produce cyanide when metabolized in the body. However, the amount of cyanide released from a few apple seeds is typically very small and usually not enough to cause harm to most adults.

However, eating a high amount of apple seeds may result in cyanide poisoning, which causes symptoms ranging from dizziness and headaches to more serious reactions in extreme circumstances.

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So, while it’s generally not something to worry about if you accidentally swallow a few apple seeds, it’s best to avoid intentionally consuming them in large quantities. It’s typically a good idea to consume the apple flesh rather than the seeds if you’re concerned.

Is It Safe to Drink Apple Juice?

If apple juice doesn’t have crushed seeds, it won’t have cyanide. But if it’s made with whole crushed apples, there might be some cyanide or amygdalin. A study in 2018 checked different juices and smoothies in the US. They found some with whole apples had cyanide, but some didn’t.

The ones without cyanide were heated (called pasteurization) to kill germs. When you heat cyanide, it turns into vapor and goes away.

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In a 2015 study, apple juices had a little bit of amygdalin, about 0.01 to 0.007 milligrams per millileter (mg/mL). The experts say this probably won’t hurt you, but they still say it’s best to take out apple seeds before making juice.

Has Anyone Died Eating Apple Seeds?

There is no record of anyone dying after eating apple seeds. Apple seeds contain a small quantity of cyanide, although it is only released when they are chewed or broken. Even yet, the human body is capable of processing small amounts of cyanide. To be in danger, an adult would need to consume a large number of chewed seeds, ranging from 150 to several thousand. An average apple has just about 5-8 seeds.

So, while it’s best to avoid eating apple seeds altogether, accidentally swallowing a few whole seeds won’t cause any harm. Enjoy your apples!

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  • HealthLine – – Are Apple Seeds Poisonous?
  • Medical News Today – – What happens if you eat apple seeds?
  • Britannica – – Can Apple Seeds Kill You?