Dog Facts: Why do dogs keep their tongue out, and what happens when they do?

Dog Facts: Why do dogs keep their tongue out, and what happens when they do?

A dog’s tongue is very fascinating when you think about it. Dogs use their tongues to eat, drink, chill themselves, and, of course, provide sloppy licks. Some dogs, maybe even yours, have a weird yet endearing tendency of sticking their tongues out all the time. Sometimes it’s only a tiny bit out, while other times their whole tongue is hanging out of their mouths. While this may seem like a harmless and delightful habit, it might also indicate health issues. Here are four possible reasons why a dog’s tongue sticks out.

When dogs put out their tongues, it typically signifies that their tongue, a soft muscle in their mouth, is visible outside of their teeth and gums. 

Dog Facts 1

Dogs stick their tongues out for various reasons, and there are scientific explanations behind this behavior:

  • Thermoregulation: Dogs, unlike humans, do not sweat through their skin. Instead, they sweat from their paws and tongues. They stretch out their tongues and pant to cool off and get some fresh air into their body. Dogs cool down differently than humans. When they become heated from playing or running, they push their tongue out and pant to cool themselves. When a dog sticks its tongue out, it increases the surface area available for heat exchange. As the moist tongue is exposed to air, evaporation occurs, which helps dissipate heat from the body, thereby cooling the dog down, as stated in Endothermy.
  • Hydration: Panting and sticking the tongue out can also help dogs regulate their hydration levels. The evaporation of saliva from the tongue can help maintain moisture in their mouths and prevent dehydration, particularly during hot weather or after physical activity.
  • Stress or Anxiety: Dogs may put their tongue out when stressed or anxious. Panting may indicate discomfort or uneasiness in dogs, and putting the tongue out may accompany this action.
  • Medical Issues: Excessive panting and pushing the tongue out may suggest underlying medical concerns such as breathing troubles, heatstroke, or discomfort. If a dog is panting excessively or sticking its tongue out incessantly, it is critical to see a veterinarian to rule out any health problems.

Dog Facts 2

Understanding a dog’s body language and behavior, along with considering environmental factors, can help interpret why a dog might be sticking its tongue out in a particular situation.

Dog Facts 3

Dog Facts 4


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